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A series of pencil marks on a page. A hand in the middle of drawing appears in the bottom-right corner

Mark Making Masterclass with Professor Siân Bowen

Friday 24 March 2023 | 09.00-15.00


  • Event
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  • AUB Campus


Location: Drawing Studio, AUB Campus

Places available: 10

This CPD session gives teachers, advisors, and educators the chance to explore drawing beyond the act of creating images.

Held in AUB’s purpose-built Drawing Studio, you’ll be expertly led through the session by Professor Siân Bowen, Professor of Drawing at AUB.

The day’s activities and discussions will give an opportunity to test out possibilities for both making and teaching drawing. The focus will be on drawing as a material phenomenon capable of generating new ideas and knowledge.

Whilst it’s clear that a drawing can be made using any medium, and on any surface, we will consider the potential that paper holds as a mediator for ideas. As such, there will also be the opportunity to examine a wide range of Japanese, Chinese and Indian papers in AUB’s handmade paper archive. All materials will be provided.

Unfortunately this event is now full. For further information on our other Teachers and Advisors CPD event see our website.

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