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In becoming a student of Arts University Bournemouth (AUB), you agree to the various terms and conditions of enrolment at the university. This includes accepting the regulations of the University, and you will be required to confirm this when you formally enrol with us.
Terms and conditions of enrolment
Below, we list the main regulations; and we highlight some of the most important points, to ensure that they are clear to you. We also explain the circumstances in which the regulations might change, and how you'll be notified of this.
You are strongly encouraged to review these regulations, so that you are clear about the offer you are accepting.
You are strongly encouraged to read our Student Protection Plan, which sets out how we manage any risks to your continued study on a course once you have enrolled. We have also published details of how we consider claims for refunds of fees, or compensation for identifiable loss, in our Refund and Compensation Policy.
A summary of the key regulations and policies which will apply to you as a student at Arts University Bournemouth are:
What to expect as students at AUB
AUB courses are based on in-person delivery and you should expect most of your scheduled sessions to take place in-person. We’ve learned that some activity works better when delivered remotely, because it's more accessible and it can be recorded for you to go back to, and means that valuable in-person time can be used more effectively. We’ll continue to make the most of this opportunity to enrich your studies, and we provide digital support and relevant course software free to all students to give you the best chance to succeed. But that won't reduce the importance of studio delivery – this is the bedrock of each of our degrees, and underpins our commitment to making, and to collaborating.
We’re not anticipating any disruption to your learning, but we do have contingency plans in the event that we are required to reduce campus access, for example if there are new national restrictions imposed – our experience shows us that we’re able to manage this effectively, by restricting numbers in some parts of the campus but by extending opening hours – and term dates – to ensure that nobody loses out. If we do need to change our plans, we shall communicate this in a timely manner, and will explain how we plan to ensure that any disruption is minimised.
We value collaboration and the work which you do together as students, and in the wider community. We promote the value of connectedness, and the strength of the relationships our staff and students have with others. We expect you to engage fully with your studies so that you take full advantage of these opportunities, and support your peers in their own development.
You should attend punctually for all scheduled sessions, and be ready to engage fully with the learning. Late arrival to class or rehearsal is not acceptable. It denotes a lack of respect for the work and for other members of the group; late arrival is disruptive and unprofessional. If you’re more than ten minutes late, you won’t normally be permitted to participate in the class.