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A long leather sofa sits under a pair of windows. Armchairs are arranged in a circle on the other side.

Student support

Student support

For many students, coming to university is the first time they've set out on their own, away from home and their usual support bases such as family and friends. AUB has a range of specialist services to help you manage your studies and support you with any problems, big or small.

Wellbeing and counselling

AUB has a Wellbeing team who can offer practical support and guidance if you're experiencing difficulties and you're not sure who to turn to, or if you're worried about the welfare of a friend or housemate. The Wellbeing service is available in daily drop-in sessions to provide confidential support and advice on a range of issues including stress, depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol problems, and eating disorders. You can book an online appointment with the Wellbeing team via the Bookings tab in myAUB.

Meanwhile, the AUB Counselling service is accredited by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). We have a team of professionally qualified counsellors offering individual therapeutic appointments. We can refer you to our partner agency if you require a therapist from a specific faith or ethnic background, or a language other than English. Visit the Bookings tab in myAUB to book an appointment.

Find out more about what our Wellbeing and Counselling services can offer you.

External support

If you require more urgent support with your mental health outside the working hours of AUB’s Wellbeing and Counselling services, please see our recommended external support contacts below.

In a life-threatening emergency, or if you are actively suicidal, call 999 immediately or go to your nearest Hospital's A&E department (Royal Bournemouth Hospital).

The Retreat
The Retreat is a safe and welcoming environment for anyone over 18 years of age, based in Dorset and who has self-identified their crisis and wants to access support. You can find them at Hahnemann House, Hahnemann Road, Bournemouth, BH2 5JW, open daily (16.30-00.00). You can drop in – no appointment needed.

24/7 Dorset HealthCare helpline for anyone experiencing a crisis with their mental health. You can contact them on 0300 123 5440.

Dorset HealthCare University - Access Mental Health
If you are struggling to cope or feel yourself nearing a breakdown, Access Mental Health is here to provide help.

If your emergency is urgent but not life-threatening, you can:

  • Dial 999
  • Request an urgent appointment at your GP surgery. You can still call your GP outside working hours as they usually have an out-of-hours number to call.

Samaritans is a telephone, email and visitor service for anyone experiencing emotional distress. Tel: 116 123 (24-hour confidential listening service - call them for an immediate response) or write an email to (answered within 24 hours).

HOPELINEUK is a confidential helpline for young people dealing with suicide, depression and emotional distress. If you are having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for a young person who might be, you can contact them for confidential support and practical advice. 
Tel 0800 068 4141  
Text: 07786 209697  
Mon-Fri: 10.00 – 22.00 
Weekends and Bank holidays: 14.00 – 22.00

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) is a website and helpline aimed at preventing male suicide.
Nationwide Tel: 0800 585 858.

SANEline is a national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers. They are open every day of the year from 16.30 – 22.30 on 0300 304 7000.

Crisis Text Line offers free text support 24/7 across the UK. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need support, you can text CAM to 82.

CRUSE (National bereavement and loss helpline) can offer support, advice and information on coping with a bereavement. Get in touch on 01202 302000.

Dorset Open Door

Dorset Open Door (local bereavement support). To contact local bereavement support, call 01305 361 361 or email

Online advice

Students Against Depression
Students Against Depression is a website by and for students. It provides information and advice on mental health conditions that are common to students, including anxiety and depression.

Hub of Hope
The Hub of Hope is a directory of mental health support services.

Support through the uncertainty of student life

Declaring a disability

You don’t have to tell us about your disability, but it can be useful if you do. You’ll have access to more support and help for your studies, as well as possible extra funding. You may also be invited to Transition events before your course starts to help you get settled.

Simply complete the online disability disclosure in the AUB Applicant Portal before your course starts, or in MyAUB at any point in your course.

Visit our Disabled Students page to find out more about disability support.


We hope you never have to make a complaint at any point of your studies at AUB. But if you've exhausted all other avenues and you're still unhappy about your experience, please contact