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Student Services

Disabled Students

No matter how big or small the problem, we're here to help

Nothing to hold you back

We’re geared up to ensure you reach your full potential, providing practical support, guidance and information about extra allowances. Our Disability and Wellbeing team is there if you have a specific learning difficulty, physical or medical condition, or mental health difficulties.

You don’t have to tell us about your disability, but it can be useful if you do. You’ll have access to more support and help for your studies, as well as possible extra funding. Simply complete the online disability disclosure in the AUB Applicant Portal before your course starts, or in MyAUB at any point in your course. We've also put together a step-by-step guide to help you with this.

Car parking on campus is available to students who are blue badge holders.

If you’d like to talk about anything or find out what support is available to you, please contact the Disability and Wellbeing team on +44 1202 363780 or email

DSA Needs Assessors and Non-Medical Helpers

Disability Support

The Senior Disability Advisor can provide advice and guidance on all disability-related issues. Whether you're applying to study with us, or you've already started your course, please get in touch to discuss any concerns or queries.

The right support for you

From advice on your application, to support at interview and throughout your course, the Disability Officer can help with any reasonable adjustments to ensure that any disability, medical condition or specific learning difficulty doesn’t unduly impact on your studies. Read our handy guide to dyslexia assessments at AUB for more information.

AUB can't offer you diagnostic assessments for Autistic Spectrum Disorders, ADHD or other medical conditions, as these need to be assessed by a qualified medical professional, but we can offer you advice and guidance on seeking diagnosis via NHS or private medical pathways. Please click on the downloads tab to access initial screening tools for ADHD and Autism, which are recognised by the NHS and a useful starting point if you feel you may identify as being neurodiverse.

Whether you need a sign language interpreter, personal support worker, or adjustments to teaching or assessment, our Disability Advisor will work in partnership with you, and any external agencies, to agree on a suitable range of support.

Parking on campus is available for blue badge holders.

We’ll ask you to provide evidence of any disability you tell us about so that we can be sure that we’re offering you the right support. We can also provide advice and guidance with applying for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA) (for UK higher education students) and access any other funding you may be entitled to. For more information, please refer to our guides on applying for DSA, and the process for claiming the DSA laptop contribution reimbursement.

You can contact the Senior Disability Advisor via email:

Explore more

Students walking into a university building. There are yellow panels on the wall with Student Services written vertically across them.


We believe people learn best in a vibrant, caring environment, and we want to help you thrive while you’re here

Close-up of some blinds at a window with sunlight shining through.

Report and Support

Our online Report and Support tool enables anyone to report concerns anonymously, make a formal complaint, and receive support

Corner of a staircase with a big window on the landing.

Medical Care

We work in partnership with the local Village Surgery to provide a dedicated medical surgery each week

A person's hand by some mint leaves in a box full of soil.

Cost of Living

Take a look at the average monthly spend for a student in private rented accommodation

Students sitting around a table and listening to someone speaking.

Academic Support

The Study Skills and EAP team can offer support with academic work, personal organisation and study skills

Obscure angle of the Drawing Studio

Worried about a student?

You may be a fellow student, a member of staff, a concerned parent, friend, family member, or a medical professional wishing to make a...

A large and well-lit living space with several sofas and chairs

University Retreat

The University Retreat is a new mental health drop-in service for students from Arts University Bournemouth and Bournemouth University...