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Student Services

Conflict Resolution

No matter how big or small the problem, we're here to help

What is the AUB Conflict Resolution Service?

The AUB Conflict Resolution Service is a non-judgemental, confidential and voluntary service which can help you resolve any conflict with people you study or live with.

Conflict resolution allows you to have difficult conversations in a safe, managed environment where a trained impartial conciliator will facilitate a discussion, to help you and those you're in conflict with to express your views and listen to each other. The responsibility for achieving a resolution remains with you, but the conciliator will help you recognise and discuss the issues in dispute and identify feasible solutions which feel comfortable and agreeable to you.

The Conflict Resolution Service can provide a speedy solution to conflict and can be used at any stage of a disagreement or dispute. It's a flexible and voluntary process, and any agreement you make is morally rather than legally binding.

What can the AUB Conflict Resolution Service help with?

The AUB Conflict Resolution Service can help in the following scenarios:

  • If you're experiencing conflict with housemates, either in halls or in a private house.
  • If you're experiencing conflict with a friend or within a group of friends.
  • If you've tried to resolve a conflict by yourself but now feel that support is needed to solve the issue.

AUB expects most of student-based conflict to be resolved in this way. The AUB Counselling and Wellbeing Services can offer you confidential support to help manage the emotional impact of any conflict.

The AUB Conflict Resolution Service aims:

  • To help you hold open conversations that would normally be too difficult to have constructively.
  • To explore all issues and concerns and use joint problem-solving to find a solution that each side feels is fair.
  • To encourage communication and establish workable relationships.
  • To help you develop the skills to resolve future difficulties for yourself in future.

Although addressing conflict can be difficult, most people have the same goals and want to be treated fairly, with respect.

The success of the conflict resolution service lies partly in the fact that it’s voluntary, with willing participants who have a common goal of wanting to sort out their differences. It's an opportunity to find ‘win-win’ solutions that suit everyone.

Conciliators aren't there to take sides nor make a judgement on any aspect of the dispute. They're there to enable you to express your feelings constructively and to be future-focused towards a resolution.

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Students walking into a university building. There are yellow panels on the wall with Student Services written vertically across them.


We believe people learn best in a vibrant, caring environment, and we want to help you thrive while you’re here

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Report and Support

Our online Report and Support tool enables anyone to report concerns anonymously, make a formal complaint, and receive support

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Disabled Students

We’re geared up to ensure you reach your full potential, providing practical support, guidance and information about extra allowances

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Medical Care

We work in partnership with the local Village Surgery to provide a dedicated medical surgery each week

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Cost of Living

Take a look at the average monthly spend for a student in private rented accommodation

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Academic Support

The Study Skills and EAP team can offer support with academic work, personal organisation and study skills

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