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Setting up home

Setting up home

Now that you've decided to come study with us, one of your next steps is finding somewhere to live.

Explore your options for places to live and all that goes with it.

Finding somewhere to live

If you haven’t sorted your accommodation yet, don’t panic! Our AUB accommodation team are on hand to help you find university or private accommodation. In the meantime, you can find out more about your options below.

Large university building with people walking up steps towards it.

Halls of Residence

Our halls are located on campus or in the Lansdowne area of Bournemouth and have excellent bus and public transport links

A white house with a black roof seen through a bush of yellow flowers

Private Rented Accommodation

We want all students to live life to the full, on and off campus, to engage with the local community and have a rewarding time at AUB

Council tax exemption

If you're a student on a full-time, Foundation, BA (Hons) or MA course, you'll be exempt from council tax for the duration of your course. If you live in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council area, and as long as you tell us where you're living during Online Enrolment, we'll tell the council that you're an AUB student, so you don't need to worry.

If you live elsewhere, you can access an exemption letter through eVision on myAUB after completing Online Enrolment. You'll be liable for council tax from the last day of term, in the last year of your studies. (Please be aware this could be before the end of your tenancy agreement).

If you're on a part-time MA course, you're not eligible for council tax exemption.


Wherever you live it’s important to arrange for possessions insurance. If your parents have contents insurance then they might be able to extend it to cover your possessions while you’re at university. Make sure you understand what is covered and what isn’t and whether your policy includes an “excess” fee that you have to pay towards any claim. If you have a bike then make sure that’s covered or take out extra bike insurance.

Medical care

It's important that you look after your health during your time at AUB.

Before you start your course, please ensure that you're vaccinated against coronavirus (COVID-19), meningitis and mumps. Make sure you register with a local GP and dentist when you arrive in Bournemouth. AUB works in partnership with the local Village Surgery. You can register with the surgery at:

You can find further information on our Medical Care page.

Help with health costs

If you're a full-time UK student up to 19 years of age, or are in receipt of certain benefits (such as income support), you're entitled to help with health costs, provided you've filled out the appropriate (HC1) form – available from Student Services.