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Journey through the Quran

Curated by Miles Bagarinao and Vee Marston
An exhibition by AUBSU | Hosted by TheGallery


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  • AUB Campus


Dates: 19 June – 3 July 2023

Location: Student Services, AUB Campus

“Asslaamu alaikum wa rahmatallahi wa Baraktu”. “Peace and blessings be upon you all”.

The Journey through the Quran exhibition celebrates the month of Ramadan. During this blessed month, the time to fast, Muslim students and staff came together to illustrate Āyahs (verses).

The work on display in this exhibition was produced through a series of calligraphy workshops that was hosted by the Arts University Bournemouth Students’ Union (AUBSU) and the Faith and Reflection Centre, led by Sister Tama. Students from both AUB and Bournemouth University took part in the workshops.

“From the Holy Quran which took 23 years to be sent down from Allah (God in Arabic) through the Angel Jibreel (Angel Gabriel) to the last Prophet, Mohammed (Peace and Blessings be upon him) in the Arabic Language. To those that follow the religion of Islam Muslims, it is the last book from Allah (God) l.”

TheGallery works with courses and AUB stakeholders right across the university on a variety of exhibitions, events, and projects. Journey through the Quran is another example of a collaborative project, this time with AUBSU.

TheGallery provides advice and support for the curatorial and technical aspects of the exhibition, as well as advice on events and project management as well as providing a national and international public platform for the arts within the sub-region as we promote the University’s shared passion for excellence in education, industry and the sector.

The work of TheGallery is a testament to our AUB goals and values and is inclusive of all and the ideas of all.


The Students’ Union at AUB exists to make sure that you have the best possible experience whilst studying at AUB. The Union is led by a team of people that includes a number of students who represent the learner community and help guide the union.

As a Students’ Union at a creative university, AUBSU aims to provide platforms where students can showcase their talent and work within the university but also help them engage with the surroundings.

Visit the AUBSU website for more information.

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