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Close-up illustration of a person's legs wearing high heels walking down a dimly lit street past a house. There is a silhouette at the window of the house.

BFS Theatre Ensemble presents: Deep Dive

Directed by James Rigby
Illustration by Isabel Garcia (cover image)


  • Event
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  • AUB Campus


2 June 2023, 16.30 | Solo screening

Location: SH001 Lecture Theatre, AUB campus

Bournemouth Film School Theatre Ensemble presents the first of two screenings of Deep Dive, a film by second-year BA (Hons) Film Production student James Rigby.

Simon Walker has been suspected of murder and is now under thorough investigation, led by an eccentric inspector. The series of questions take a strange turn, and they begin to lack relevance until Simon realises the interview is about far more than he could ever have imagined.

After the film, there'll be a bonus Q&A session with the director and actors.

9 June 2023, 17.30 | Joint screening with Our Gypsy Blood

Location: SH001 Lecture Theatre, AUB campus

In the second of the two screenings, Deep Dive will be presented alongside Our Gypsy Blood, the graduation film of third-year BA (Hons) Film Production student Jacob Parvin, who directs and stars in the feature.

Our Gypsy Blood follows Jacob as he attempts to explore the Romany community, a community he’s a part of but not had a chance to look into. In doing so, he finds out the true discovery had been with him all along – his grandma.

As with the first screening, this event will be followed by bonus Q&A sessions for both films with the directors and actors.

Please note: the screenings and Q&As are all free to attend.

Something to think about

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