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Close-up of a tiger's face with a multicoloured shimmering effect throughout.

A Drawn and Collaged Jungle – CPD Workshop for Key Stage 2

Illustration by Hunter Garratt
Friday 22 March 2024, 13.30–16.30


  • Event
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  • AUB Campus


Location: AUB Campus

Places available: 12

Join Siân Bowen, Professor of Drawing at Arts University Bournemouth, for our free teacher CPD session providing practical demonstration for Key Stage 2 art lesson plans.

The workshop will cover how to deliver three 60-75 minute lessons exploring the rainforest and the creatures that inhabit it, creating a collage of drawings. The lesson plans will develop students mark making with coloured pencils to create different textures and use a range of colours. Taking inspiration from Henry Rousseau’s jungle painting, Tiger in a Storm, the lessons will explore how to create foreground, midground, and background in the artwork and the meaning behind colour to create an environment.

Please note: This event is reserved for non-AUB staff members only.

Please bring the following with you for the workshop:

  • A2 cartridge paper drawing pad
  • Pack of coloured pencils (or wax crayons/pastels)
  • Craft scissors
  • Glue
  • Pencil sharpeners
  • 5-7 printed images of rainforest jungle flora and fauna

While you are on campus why not make the most of the opportunity to explore the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2023 at TheGallery on campus, before or after your workshop. The exhibition will also provide practical examples of the variety of techniques used to create drawings to inspire further examples for A Drawn and Collaged Jungle lesson planning.

Meet your workshop lead

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