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MA Digital Fashion Innovation student B. Aslan using CLO 3D software on AUB campus.

Innovating fashion: my journey with AI on MA Digital Fashion Innovation

Words by Burcu Aslan Yilmaz (Bee)

In 2021, I graduated from the BA (Hons) Fashion program at AUB. Born in 1987, my route into the fashion industry has taken a mature, unconventional path. After my BA, I launched a freelance business, offering comprehensive services from concept development to production. This transition from BA to MA was fuelled by my fascination with how technology, especially AI, could revolutionise fashion.


The seeds of my interest in digital fashion were sown during the COVID-19 pandemic. This challenging time underscored the potential of digital tools to streamline fashion production and enhance sustainability. Working remotely on a project with a renowned British heritage brand during my BA studies opened my eyes to digital possibilities. Realising the imperative to advance my skills, I decided to pursue an MA in Digital Fashion Innovation, seeking to bridge the gap between traditional fashion production and emerging technologies.

Initially, my MA focused on enhancing my proficiency with digital fashion tools like CLO3D. The first year was fraught with challenges as I struggled to select and develop a suitable project. My experiences during this period taught me the importance of clear communication and efficient workflow in design and production. It wasn't until after taking a gap year that I realised the potential of AI in fashion. During this time, I conducted independent research on AI applications and returned to my studies with a renewed focus on integrating AI to optimise design and manufacturing processes.

Navigating the complexities of my studies while managing personal responsibilities was challenging, especially as a new mother. My gap year was pivotal; it not only allowed me to gain perspective but also to engage deeply with AI technology. This break led to a significant breakthrough in my academic journey. With a clearer vision, I returned to my MA with a focus on applying AI in fashion. The support from my course leader and peers was instrumental in refining my project direction, focusing on the practical integration of AI in design workflows.

This journey has taught me the transformative power of AI in fashion. My project, Harnessing AI and Testing in Fashion Production, explores how AI can enhance the design process and improve production efficiency. My aim is to demonstrate that AI can be a reliable tool in the fashion industry, capable of producing precise and innovative designs. Looking forward, I plan to implement these AI strategies in my own company, B2U Design & Production, to offer innovative solutions that enhance communication, production, and overall garment fit.

Reflecting on my educational journey at AUB, I see a blend of traditional skills and innovative technologies shaping my future in the fashion industry. The challenges and lessons learned have prepared me to embrace and lead in the evolving landscape of fashion technology. I am eager to continue exploring the capabilities of AI in fashion, striving to make an impactful contribution to a more sustainable and efficient industry.

It's also worth noting that the MA Digital Fashion Innovation course offers the opportunity to collaborate with the academic team on research and innovation. Access to the AUB Innovation Studio and creative tech resources has significantly elevated my work, allowing me to communicate effectively with relevant audiences.

Find out more about Bee's work and brand on her LinkedIn and Instagram.

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