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Illustration of two women, one taking a picture and another lifting a red cap of her head

Schools' Hub

Helping your students apply

Helping your students apply

We appreciate that navigating the process of applying to university can be a daunting time for students.

At Arts University Bournemouth we’re here for you every step of the way. Alongside the expertise of our outreach staff and admissions professionals, we offer a range of tailored provision to support students in making a well-informed, successful application to a creative degree programme.

Researching Higher Education

Before making an application to a university, research and reflection play an important part in students identifying courses and universities which would be a good fit for them. For students to be happy and successful throughout their time in Higher Education, we appreciate the complexity of the decision-making process.

To support this, our Schools and Colleges Team offer a range of activity in this area. Our Schools presentations are designed to equip students with the tools they'll need to decide on the best university and degree for them and to guide them through the application process.

Our foundation degree programme in Art, Design and Media gives students the chance to explore different creative areas before choosing a specific subject to study as an undergraduate.

It's the perfect way to find students to find their creative voice and to boost their existing skills and portfolio if they’re not quite ready for progression to an undergraduate degree.

This course is geared towards the preparation of a portfolio of work to support students’ application to a Higher Education course. Throughout the course, the practical work in the studio is supported by a programme of contextual studies in art and design.

Explore more


We know that inspiring your students, whatever their ambition, is at the heart of what we do in creative education.

Illustration work displayed in the Drawing Studio at AUB. The work is surrounded by plants and lit but a large oval glass window

On-campus activities

We run a range of on-campus activities so that your students can experience life at an arts university first-hand.

Student talking to a member of AUB Staff at a UCAS Event

In-school activities

Our in-school activities have been designed to support your students in discovering more about Higher Education and creative pathways

Colourful rectangular archway with lights inside and people passing through. A train is passing across the bridge over the archway.

Lesson resources

We have a range of learning resources at AUB that can support your teaching either in the classroom or online.

All Access AUB Students cutting up images in the AUB studios and smiling

Widening access to AUB

Those with the potential to benefit from higher education, deserve the opportunity to do so. At AUB, we’re committed to making that happen.

Students in the AUB print room holding tools with paint and screens around them.

Global Schools

AUB offers workshops, talks and presentations to global schools. Get in touch with our team to find out more

A teacher is instructing a student

Dorset Boys' Impact Hub

The Dorset branch of Boys' Impact is the first in a series of regional networks with the aim of closing the gap in GCSE outcomes for boys.