Karishma Natu on launching her debut anthology – "Every quiet thought and detail of your daydreams amplified."
Poetry and songwriting has always played a significant role in my life. It has helped...
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Search results for “Open Days” | 156 results found
Poetry and songwriting has always played a significant role in my life. It has helped...
Arts University Bournemouth showcases are taking place across London again this summer.
From the beginning of my studying journey at AUB, I have taken advantage of various educational resources offered by the...
My biggest accomplishment I have taken on board this year was a collaborative project with Bournemouth University...
Join our creative community through Clearing. Call our Clearing team on +44 1202 363225 or +44 1202 363228 to discuss your application today
During my degree, I have become more aware of the impact the textiles and fashion industry has on the environment...