We’re delighted for you to join us at AUB – we can’t wait to see what you’ll create.
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Foundation Welcome Guide
We're delighted that you've chosen to join our creative community at Arts University Bournemouth. We can't wait to see what you'll create.
This welcome pack is designed to give you an idea of what to expect during the first weeks of your course. This information applies to all aspects of the Foundation course, so please take the time to read it carefully and take particular note of the pre-course preparation.
Congratulations and welcome to the Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design course at Arts University Bournemouth – probably the most intense, yet exciting, experience in your education.
There is hard work ahead, but the work is enjoyable, fulfilling and rewarding. You'll be pursuing your love of art, design and media practice every day; developing your work to a very high standard. The course will require a very responsible and individual approach to working practice; high levels of attendance and commitment are crucial. The recommended working hours for the course, including independent study, are 30 hours per week, and your timetabled sessions will run throughout the week. We strongly recommend that you don't undertake more than 16 hours of part-time work per week, which you'd need to fit around your studies.
Most artists, designers and media practitioners regard their Foundation year as one of their most important, and former students often come back to see us with very fond memories of their time here. Having such a beautiful campus, enthusiastic staff, great facilities, and of course living in Bournemouth, all have enormous advantages; we're sure that you'll really enjoy it.
– The Foundation Diploma Course Team
This will be an exhibition showing mini works by all incoming Foundation students
We're going to create an exhibition called MICROVERSE. This will include a piece of work by all students.
Step 1) Make a piece of work responding to the theme of “MICROVERSE”
Step 2) Submit your finished work in the first week to your tutor.
The MICROVERSE Guidelines:
It's recommended that you record your work using a recent camera or camera phone. If you struggle to take good photographs, we can assist you in updating these skills and will review the work through tutorials and UCAS discussions if required.
We also encourage you to consider conducting early research into degree courses that are available using the UCAS website, particularly those here at AUB. Our internal progression route provides an excellent opportunity to continue on to our undergraduate degree courses.
Have a look through some of the work our current students are producing to get an idea of the type of work you may be doing on our course.
On your first day, bring along:
Below is a recommended list of what you'll need for a normal studio session.
Other more specialist sessions may need you to bring other materials or equipment. You'll be advised of these requirements on your project briefs.
As you're on a full-time course and are expected to be available all week, our timetable for stage 1 will rotate over a three-week programme so you may not be in on the same days each week. After this rotation then you'll choose a specialism and work to a set timetable across the week, which will continue into the final Stage. Additionally, there'll be a number of sessions online – including our Bigger Picture talks and your theory seminars.