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Brothers Make, T Ryan, W Strange and L Dennis sitting in a semicircle in a lecture theatre, conversing during the recording of a live podcast.

Design and Technology Association records new podcast for live A-Level student audience


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Product Design A-Level students from Ferndown Upper School came to Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) to be part of a live studio audience for the recording of a new podcast episode for the Design and Technology (D&T) Association.

The D&T Association is the go-to organisation for design and technology education nationally as Tony Ryan Chief Executive Officer explains:

“We have a membership of over 28,000 teachers and a growing membership of industries keen to work with us better to connect the worlds of education, business, and industry.”

The Designed for Life podcast by the D&T Association is a dynamic series that bridges the gap between education and industry. Through inspiring stories from industry leaders, educators, and innovators, it aims to ignite creativity and transform classrooms for both teachers and students alike.

The live episode was on Design, Technology, and Sustainability, offering a deep dive into the world of design and innovation with leading experts and creators, including YouTubers Brothers Make, Museum of Design in Plastics (MoDiP) Curator Louise Dennis, and Will Strange, BA (Hons) Sustainable Design Course Leader at AUB.

Tony explains, “In this episode, we stray from the show's normal format as the Brothers Make take us on their journey from school to how an initial desire to ‘hang out together after work’ became something of a YouTube hit, which now takes them worldwide as they seek to inform others on how to replicate their sustainable practices and success.

“Louise describes how an initial desire to join the army turned into a passion for design and museum curation instead. Louise also brought in some artefacts from the museum to the podcast to demonstrate sustainability in design, and how designers have learned from the past. And finally, Will discusses the details of a new course in sustainable design that will be offered at AUB for the first time this summer.”

“Sustainability should be at the heart of everything we do as designers," comments Will. "We have a responsibly to create a more sustainable future, and this course challenges you to look at societal issues and problems that require change.

“Together, they explore design, plastics, and sustainability, sparking ideas that could shape the future of design.

“The Designed for Life podcast has existed since summer 2020, and its purpose is to better connect the often-disparate worlds of education and industry. Live podcasts are amazing as they bring real stories and people's challenges to life, dragging the audience into the journey. This podcast is now an integrated part of the Association’s offer, this being the 96th pod recorded to date.

“Design and technology is the last technical/vocational subject left on the pre-16 curriculum offer. Over 78,000 took a GCSE in the subject last year, and approximately 10,600 took an A-Level. Both of these numbers have dropped dramatically over the previous 10 years or longer as the subject has suffered a ‘perfect storm’ of being outside of the government-preferred list of academic subjects, suffering a severe shortage of specialist teachers and suffering cuts in schools due to the nature of the subject making it an expensive option in times of ongoing school austerity.

“We sincerely hope a new government and the ongoing curriculum review will turn the subject’s fortunes around. In the meantime, we will keep pushing the subject’s cause.”

Listen to Designed for Life – Live at Arts University Bournemouth on Buzzsprout.

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