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Teachers and Advisors Hub

Teachers and Advisors Hub

Championing creative education

No creative journey is the same but we know that inspiring your students, whatever their ambition, is at the heart of what we do in creative education.

As part of a community of creative educators, we're united in our passion for the arts and our shared goal to broaden students' perspectives on where a creative pathway could lead them.

Whether you have students that know who they want to be or students that are still working it out, we have a route to the creative industries to suit everyone's personal journey.

Explore our Teachers’ Guide, where you can discover all the exciting outreach opportunities we have in store for the upcoming academic year.

Closer image of five students sit in a line chatting outside the library. One faces the camera and smiles.
Student talking to a member of AUB Staff at a UCAS Event

About our Schools' Hub

Our dedicated Schools and Colleges team are here to support teachers and advisors to create more opportunities for young people to engage with creative arts and experience valuable insights into higher education and beyond.

Two students working with screen printing equipment in the print room.
School students taking part in AUB's Body Beautiful workshop in MoDiP
Children taking part in a Gallery workshop
A line of children holding clipboards and observing a set of sculptures on display on tables in a gallery.
Student enjoying coffee at the Starbuck on AUB Campus
Summer School students working together
Student using scissors to cut out shapes

Meet your Gatsby benchmarks

Our unique range of activities for schools and colleges has been designed to support you in meeting your Gatsby benchmarks and empower your students to make decisions about their future.

School students taking part in AUB Body Beautiful workshop in MoDiP
A person's hands gripping a screen printing tool preparing to use red paint.
A model sits on a chair in the centre of a room while a group of artists draw them.

What we offer

From delivering informative presentations, to attending Careers Fairs, to arranging visits to our inspiring campus, we have a diverse range of outreach activities both on and off campus.

Our activities are always completely free and can be adapted for most year groups and student areas of interest.

We also host exciting events for schools and colleges throughout the year, including Portfolio Days, art workshops and theatre and dance performances.


Our free careers guidance tool is available to all schools and colleges to bring a new dimension to exploring creative pathways. Scroll through 1000s of images, create a collection of images tailored to you and browse creative matches and generated study and career resources.

Illustration of the character, WonderWhat.
A pair of school students sitting at a desk using an iPad.

All Access AUB

We believe that every individual should be able to access creative activities and explore new opportunities, no matter their background. That's where our post-16 access scheme, ‘All Access AUB’ comes in.

Man in a suit stood outside the AUB Drawing Studio on a sunny day.
Brick exterior of a university building with rows of windows and the edge of a tree on the right.

Guidance for teachers and advisors

We offer a range of tailored provisions to support students in making a well-informed, successful application to a creative degree programme.

A busy image focussing on a female student ambassador in a blue, AUB branded t-shirt talking to a group of potential students at a careers fair

Schools and colleges newsletter

Join our community of creative educators and make sure you’re in the loop about all our upcoming events and opportunities.

Sign up now
Crowd of people walking on a path between two sets of bike sheds.