Study Abroad courses are for students and professionals who wish to spend time learning in the UK with our students for one or more terms
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Study Abroad and Exchange
AUB offers students the opportunity to explore their creative practice while broadening their horizons.
We’re committed to nurturing creativity, engaging with
communities, and collaborating with industry, globally.
Exchange programmes offer the opportunity for current AUB students to study part of their degree with one of our partner universities overseas, to gain valuable new experiences and make new connections.
Whilst studying at AUB, you may have the opportunity to spend
part of your degree programme studying with one of our exchange partners. Students on a three-year degree can spend the spring semester of
their second year studying abroad at one of our partner universities.
AUB’s Exchanges team will be sharing information about possible exchanges with the courses during their Level 5 year via email. If you’re interested in applying to one of our partner institutions or have any questions regarding exchange, please contact your Course Leader, or Exchanges team at exchanges@aub.ac.uk.
Yes, the credits earned abroad as part of your exchange programme will be transferred back to AUB.
However, your exchange will only be awarded a “pass” or “fail” grade, due to the difficulty of translating the grades used in different education systems. This means that the exchange will not count towards your final classification degree. Relevant teams within the university will agree and advise on your exact study plan before departure. As part of this process, you will sign a learning agreement detailing the credits required and how you will achieve those.
Some institutions may require you to have a basic level of the host countries language, as some classes may not be taught in English. Please see our partner lists above for more information.
Once you have decided where you wish to study, you will need to complete the AUB nomination form. As part of this form, you will need to ask your course leader to write a recommendation and confirm they are happy for you to take part in the exchange.
AUB will then send your nomination to the partner university to decide whether they wish to accept your application. The partner university will then be in touch to let you know if your application has been successful. Places on exchange are limited and if there are more applications than places available, the partner university will decide which students they wish to accept.
Other costs to consider include covering the rent of your property in the UK whilst you are on exchange. Additionally, there may be costs incurred for a visa to travel, comprehensive travel insurance, flights & accommodation. You also need to be aware of the cost of living to ensure you have sufficient funds to support your exchange. For more detailed costs about the destination you are interested in, contact the international team via email.
As part of your exchange, you are not required to pay the host institution any tuition fees or examination fees, but you will be responsible for covering your travel, accommodation and living costs, and you will continue paying tuition fees as normal to AUB during your exchange programme.
If you are currently receiving a maintenance grant or student loan from Student Finance England, you will still receive this whilst you are abroad.
An additional travel grant is available through Student Finance England on a means-tested basis. Find out more and check your eligibility: https://www.gov.uk/travel-grants-students-england.
If you are under A&P, you may also be eligible for additional funding from our student services department.
Exchange Costs to consider include:
AUB will support you fully for the duration of your exchange programme and you can contact us at any time. However, as you plan to spend time studying and living in a new country on your own, it is important that you are also able to take responsibility towards the planning.
Once you’ve been accepted by our partner institution, it is important that you proactively engage with the exchange process. Most institutions will require you to engage with their international department directly and not via AUB’s international office. As a result, you must regularly check your emails and make sure you meet the relevant deadlines.
Please remember, it is your responsibility to remain in contact with your course leader and level leader during your time overseas. You must also stay in contact with the exchanges team and regularly check your AUB email address for any emergencies. Also remember you will continue to have access to all AUB’s support services, such as wellbeing and counselling.
It is your responsibility to research and implement your own visa requirements, make sure you are fully aware of the process involved and have the visa in place ready for your departure date.
You are responsible for booking your own flights to and from your destination as well as any in-country travel that may be required to reach your institution.