Study Abroad courses are for students and professionals who wish to spend time learning in the UK with our students for one or more terms
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Study Abroad and Exchange
AUB offers students the opportunity to explore their creative practice while broadening their horizons.
Semester Study Abroad courses are for students and professionals who wish to spend time abroad, developing their creative skills and gaining credits towards their university degree, but don't necessarily want to spend 2-3 years in another country.
This Semester Study Abroad Photography course explores contemporary photographic practice within a broad cultural context and is underpinned by historical and critical approaches to the medium of photography. Your individual creativity and personal ambition are at the centre of the course’s philosophy rather than an imposed ‘house style’.
This course will begin to define your own practice and specialism. You will have the opportunity to develop an aesthetic and intellectual orientation and professional context for your work. You will be allowed to develop your ideas and negotiate your creative work on an individual basis.
You will be introduced to the technical skills and theoretical issues that are fundamental to photographic practice. You will be required to engage in a series of projects that address contemporary practice, challenge your creativity and provide a grounding in studio lighting, printing and other photographic techniques.