Study Abroad courses are for students and professionals who wish to spend time learning in the UK with our students for one or more terms
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Study Abroad and Exchange
AUB offers students the opportunity to explore their creative practice while broadening their horizons.
Semester Study Abroad courses are for students and professionals who wish to spend time abroad, developing their creative skills and gaining credits towards their university degree, but do not necessarily want to spend 2-3 years in another country.
With an international reputation in the film business and Oscar-winning graduates, this course teaches you the skills you need to take on key creative and production roles in both fiction and documentary productions.
Depending on the term of study you choose. You will be shown how to operate basic film equipment, including cameras, light meters, simple lighting setups and sound mixers, in order to complete short film exercises. When actively participating in a variety of film production roles you will gain hands-on experience of both film and digital media. This course will be an intensive introduction to the fundamentals of film production and theoretical concepts and will provide a thorough grounding in technical skills, disciplines and knowledge.
You will explore the history of film style and the importance film technology has had in its development, paying particular attention to fiction. Your films will be based on defined themes, giving the opportunity to work either in the studio or on location. Your ideas for the films will be selected through a pitching process, which is a key way to articulate ideas to an audience and crucial to the way contemporary films are defined and produced.