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Schools' Hub

Contextual offers

Contextual offers

At Arts University Bournemouth (AUB), our mission is to be the leading professional arts university, dedicated to turning creativity into careers.

We aim to create a student body that is balanced and diverse in terms of cultural background and experience and recruit students who have the ability to successfully complete their chosen course.

AUB will achieve these aims through:

  • Encouraging applications from all those with the motivation and academic ability to thrive at the University, whatever their background.
  • Assessing each application in a holistic way.
  • Offering places to applicants who have the potential to successfully complete their course.
  • Transparency in the admissions process.

As part of the application process, we receive information through UCAS for our undergraduate courses, which include contextual information about an applicant. These factors are considered in the assessment of an application.

Who is eligible for a contextual offer?

Applicants are eligible for a contextual offer if they:

  • Are from an area that has low participation in higher education.
    • Current home postcode shows that you live in an area with low levels of progression to Higher Education falling within TUNDRA LSOA quintiles 1 and 2.
    • Current home postcode shows that you live in an area that falls within the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 1 and 2.
  • Have experienced socio-economic challenges during their education and been a recipient of Free School Meals.
  • Are care experienced.
  • Are estranged.
  • Are a young adult carer.
  • Have a parent who has served, or is currently serving, in the UK armed forces.
  • Have participated in All Access AUB.

To get in touch with any questions you have about contextual offers, email

Eligibility for the TUNDRA LSOA measure can be checked on the OfS website. Eligibility for the Index of Multiple Deprivation measure can be checked via the IMD postcode checker..

What is a contextual offer?

Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria above will be offered a grade-reduction of up to two grades below the minimum entry criteria in their offers.

For example:

  • The standard entry for our undergraduate courses is BBB.
  • A contextual offer for one of these courses would be, for example, BCC, or equivalent 104 UCAS points.

Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and our academic entry requirements as listed above will be guaranteed a portfolio review for the course that they've applied for, if relevant. In addition, applicants for BA (Hons) Acting will be guaranteed an audition.

If your application for an undergraduate course is unsuccessful, you'll be offered a place on the Foundation Course if you meet the entry requirements for it, including in GCSE English and Maths.

Explore more


We know that inspiring your students, whatever their ambition, is at the heart of what we do in creative education.

Illustration work displayed in the Drawing Studio at AUB. The work is surrounded by plants and lit but a large oval glass window

On-campus activities

We run a range of on-campus activities so that your students can experience life at an arts university first-hand.

Student talking to a member of AUB Staff at a UCAS Event

In-school activities

Our in-school activities have been designed to support your students in discovering more about Higher Education and creative pathways

Colourful rectangular archway with lights inside and people passing through. A train is passing across the bridge over the archway.

Lesson resources

We have a range of learning resources at AUB that can support your teaching either in the classroom or online.

Illustration of two women, one taking a picture and another lifting a red cap of her head

Helping your students apply

We appreciate that navigating the process of applying to university can be a daunting time for students – we're here to help.

All Access AUB Students cutting up images in the AUB studios and smiling

Widening access to AUB

Those with the potential to benefit from higher education, deserve the opportunity to do so. At AUB, we’re committed to making that happen.

Students in the AUB print room holding tools with paint and screens around them.

Global Schools

AUB offers workshops, talks and presentations to global schools. Get in touch with our team to find out more

A teacher is instructing a student

Dorset Boys' Impact Hub

The Dorset branch of Boys' Impact is the first in a series of regional networks with the aim of closing the gap in GCSE outcomes for boys.