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Co-Founder of Aardman Animation visits AUB for Guest Lecture


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Bournemouth Film School were delighted to welcome British Film Director, Animator and Co-Founder of Animation Studios Aardman, Peter Lord CBE to AUB last week.

Peter spoke to students about the 40-year history of Aardman Animation, sharing anecdotes and photographs from the studios over the years, talking through its span from drawing, to puppetry, commercials to film. He began the talk with a showreel including some of the Aardman favourites – Pirates!, Wallace and Gromit and Morph.

Peter also took part in a Q&A with students, offering great insight and advice to the industry, encouraging students that stop motion is “like playing a musical instrument, using sensibility, instinct and taste. A skill which you can get better at with practice.”

After the Q&A session, Peter screened Pirates! for students, and took a tour through the Animation and Modelmaking studios, chatting with students about their work and career aspirations.

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