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Illustrated animation still of a blue and green sketchbook titled 'MY LIFE' showing small polaroids of life events.

Lauren Osborne – "Animation Production at AUB stuck out to me – it was the perfect combination of my interests"


  • Student Story
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  • Animation Production


Unlike many people who go to university to achieve a dream, I was never sure exactly where I wanted to end up, so choosing what to study was never a clear-cut decision for me.

I left college with a passion for fine art and filmmaking, but neither subject on its own felt like the right fit for me. So, when deciding what to study, Animation Production at AUB stuck out to me – it was the perfect combination of my interests.

Looking back on things, Animation has always been a huge part of my childhood and young adult life; I grew up watching Disney films, animated TV shows and playing flash computer games. I wanted to be a part of these amazing groups of people who made that magic for others like me in years to come. I quickly learned I made the right choice when I began my studies, and making this leap has already opened so many doors for me as a creative.

When it comes to my personal creative process, it begins with lots of thinking; letting ideas play out in my head, writing and rewriting stories and characters, and giving them time to grow, branch out and blossom. I know it’s right when it sticks in my head, making me excited to bring it to life. Having a fast-moving brain sometimes means I work best by being spontaneous, learning through mistakes and just giving things a go, seeing what went wrong, breaking it down and trying again; reminding myself that I am my own worst critic. Working collaboratively also helps to put things in perspective, seeing the ideas evolve and develop into things you’d never imagined by yourself.

I have long been a firm believer in ‘learning while doing’, especially being a very visual learner myself, and sometimes for me, it’s best to jump in before letting any doubt get in the way – there really is no right and wrong when it comes to creativity!

My experience at AUB has been immensely inspiring and enlightening. From the moment I first stepped on to the campus, I knew it was where I wanted to be – I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face! Being somewhat smaller than other universities helps AUB to feel like one big creative community, and my course has promoted so much confidence in me and my work through the support of classmates and lecturers; being given the space to make mistakes and learn with guidance and encouragement has taught me so much. I am incredibly excited to get stuck into my third year of study next year specialising in stop motion animation and cannot wait to see what lies beyond my degree.

During my second year of study, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work independently with a local charity, Macmillan Caring Locally, on a live brief project for their 50th anniversary campaign: producing a two-minute, 2D animated short alongside my studies. I am extremely proud of the work I was able to produce and highly grateful for the rare experience of working with a client so early in my career path. Producing any finished animation can be a challenge, so doing this project solo over the course of six months has given me a particular appreciation for every aspect of the creative process. I was also grateful for the opportunity to show myself what I can achieve, particularly having been unsure what to study before I came to AUB, and I have my tutors to thank for the immense support throughout.

I am currently working towards building a professional portfolio and showreel for stop motion animation, both within and outside my studies, and I am fortunate to be taking part in an Aardman Academy course in January 2025, in addition to my studies at AUB.

I have already enjoyed trialling some more experimental elements of stop motion animation during my studies, and I hope to continue expanding my horizons and developing my skillsets throughout the remainder of my time at AUB. My current goal after graduation revolves around building a career in the stop motion animation industry, with ambitions to help shape new methods and continue upholding the long-standing legacy of stop motion animation for many years to come.

Something to think about

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