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People walk around a well-lit round reception area. Two people work at a circular desk in the middle of the room.

BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design student wins First Prize for palliative care design work


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Winning first place for ‘best project presentation’, Jasmine’s awarding came as the BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design programme entered the Architects for Health Student Design Awards, hosted by the Wellcome Foundation, for the first time.

Eight designers, all first-year students at AUB, entered the competition, which challenges design and architecture students to seek contemporary and compassionate solutions in design, for health and social settings. The students worked closely with designers, and health-care professionals from the Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch (RBCH) NHS Trust, looking to redesign the Palliative Care Unit, which consists of day-care and in-patient departments that provide end-of-life care for cancer patients.

AUB BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design student Lydia Palmer also won Highly Commended for overall project at the competition, which is open to students from all levels, including post-graduate MA students.

Jasmine Hunt spoke of her time working on the project, saying: “Our project was based around how to integrate modern and constantly changing technology features into a healthcare environment, for which we were designing the interior of a new palliative care centre.

“This brief was led by the Architects for Health Student Awards, who encourage students to think about innovative ways to consider healthcare design.”

After receiving the award, Jasmine said: “I was delighted to win the evening’s final award for the Best Presentation. As a first-year student, being recognised for your work is a motivating and exciting experience.

“I went into the awards being grateful to have the opportunity and, although I was hopeful and was proud of the work I had produced, I was really surprised and ecstatic to win an award.”

Finally, speaking of her time on the course Jasmine added: “The first year of studying Interior Architecture and Design has been an amazing experience. Starting something new can be a nerve-wracking time because you never know what to expect, and I have been lucky enough to be part of a course full of supportive and brilliant people. Although the course is extremely challenging and the workload can be overwhelming, I’ve loved every second of that challenge.”

Russ Gagg, Course Leader of BA (Hons) Interior Architecture has praised his students and their work: “Our first-year students tackled such a challenging brief with great enthusiasm and professionalism that involved liaising with the site architects, the clinical lead and interviewing cancer patients and their families.”

Russ added: “Such a project exemplifies the course ethos that design should be meaningful, be of benefit to the community, and have an impact.”

Find out more information about BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design at AUB.

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