Find out everything you need to know to plan your student finances including tuition fees and living costs
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Fees and financial support
Find out everything you need to know to plan your student finances including tuition fees and living costs
Find your tuition fee for Undergraduate degree courses starting in September 2025. Please note that Home and Channel Islands and Isle of Man fees will be subject to increase each year, and International (including EU students) fees are fixed for the duration of your course.
All students are required to pay tuition fees for each academic year of study. Students who enter directly onto Years 2 or 3 of a course will pay Year 1 tuition fees. Fees regulated by the government are subject to changes in legislation and may change from time to time.
*The tuition fee for the optional placement year is £1,850, subject to inflationary increases based on government policy, and providing you progress through the course in the normal timeframe (no repeat years or breaks in study).
Student Loans Company (SLC)
The SLC works with Student Finance England, Student Finance Wales, the Student Awards Agency for Scotland, Higher Education Institutions and HMRC to provide support for British and EU students in the UK.
SLC support includes loans to cover the cost of tuition fees, as well as maintenance loans to contribute towards living costs whilst at University.
For further information about SLC support and for details on how to apply, please visit http://www.slc.co.uk.
Maintenance loan
Maintenance loans are available for each year of study to help with living costs such as food, accommodation and travel. The amount you can borrow depends on where you live and study, and your household income.
For more information and to find out what support you could get, please use the Student Finance Calculator on gov.uk.
To be eligible for support you must be in receipt of a full maintenance loan from Student Finance England, with a net household income of £25,000 or less. Our support offer is based on household income information provided by Student Finance England and eligibility is verified annually. What you’re entitled to receive will depend on your precise, individual circumstances.
Travel costs to attend Offer Holder Days
If you’re an AUB applicant, we have an annual fund available for you to receive a one-off award of up to £50 for travel costs to attend Offer Holder Days and university induction/transition events.
Accommodation costs
If you’re an undergraduate student in your first year (Level 4) living in AUB’s student accommodation, you’ll receive an accommodation bursary of £1,000.
Support for students who are care experienced or estranged
A bursary of £2,000 per annum. This is not means-tested and is in addition to any other bursaries and benefits that you may be entitled to. If you think you may be eligible for this bursary, find out more information on how to apply and the support we offer.
Support for students who are young adult carers
A bursary of £2,000 per annum. This is not means-tested and is in addition to any other bursaries and benefits that you may be entitled to. If you think you may be eligible for this bursary, find out more information on how to apply and the support we offer.
Support for disabled students
If you’re required to make a £200 contribution towards a laptop previously provided through DSA, AUB will pay this £200. In addition, we provide support for the cost of Educational Psychologist reports where required. This is in addition to any other bursaries or benefits that you may be entitled to.
Travel costs
If you’re an undergraduate student in your second year (Level 5) or third year (Level 6) you’ll receive a £200 payment to assist with travel costs associated with your studies.
Opportunities linked to graduate employment
If you're in second year (Level 5) or third year (Level 6), we have an annual fund available for you to receive a one-off award of up to £300 for:
Please note, you can apply for this award in either second or third year. However, this is a one-off award, so if you apply for it in second year, you won't be able to apply again in third year.
Travel costs
If you’re an undergraduate student in your second year (Level 5) or third year (Level 6), you’ll receive a £250 payment to assist with travel costs associated with your studies.
Educational visits award
If you're in second year (Level 5) or third year (Level 6), we have an annual fund available for you to receive a one-off award of up to £400 for support in attending a visit that's part of your course. The opportunity needs to be on eVision to be eligible for the award.
Progression Scholarship
If you’re in your third year (Level 6) of study, you’ll receive a £300 Progression Scholarship to support with costs relating to your final year of study.
To make things as easy as possible for you, we have two online payment gateways to help you pay any outstanding fees.
You can use a variety of different methods including:
Mastercard, Visa, Visa Debit and Visa Electron
To make a payment you'll need:
To get started, please click one of the links below:
Payers can now pay in their home currency, please see the download.
How to Update your Card Details on your card repayment plan
If you would like your next card payment to be debited from a different card, please click on the following link to change your card details on your plan:
If you have any questions or queries, don’t worry, we’re here to help. You can contact our Finance team on income@aub.ac.uk or call +44(0)1202 363356.
We’re open Monday – Thursday between 08.45 and 16.30. On Fridays, we’re open from 08.45–16.00.
The majority of students from the EU and EEA will be assessed as ‘International (overseas)’ fee payers. The exceptions to this will be if you have protected rights under the EU Withdrawal Agreement, the EEA EFTA Separation Agreement, or the Swiss Citizens’ Rights Agreement and you meet the relevant residency requirements. Further information can be found on the UKCISA website.