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Legal and Governance


Statement of intent

Arts University Bournemouth (AUB), as a provider of higher education, further education and extra-curricular programmes, has a legal and moral duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare of those who are young or vulnerable when studying, working, or engaging in activities or events at AUB or externally supported by AUB.

AUB is committed to ensuring that best practice is adopted when working with all children, young people and vulnerable adults and is dedicated to offering them support and protection. In all activities, the welfare of young and vulnerable people is paramount.

AUB’s Safeguarding Policies set out our commitments, and how these are managed and monitored. They provide staff with the framework to promote and safeguard the wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults and demonstrate our commitment to protecting those who are young or vulnerable.

Key operational elements of our safeguarding practice

All Designated Safeguarding Officers have received advanced safeguarding training.

All staff involved in delivering courses targeted at under-18s are required to have received basic safeguarding training. This includes any course which is advertised as 16+, as well as those devised for younger students such as Saturday Art School. The training is required by both the tutor and any assistants, as well as any other University staff who are likely to come into regular contact with under-18s.

In the event that course staff change at very short notice, a risk assessment will be conducted to determine how to proceed. In exceptional circumstances, this may include postponing the start of the course, although it is likely that other mitigating actions can be identified so that the course can run as planned.

At any point, these staff members are able to contact a Designated Safeguarding Officer, or email, for further advice.

AUB has an agreed list of staff who require a DBS check. This includes all staff teaching on the Foundation diploma to conform with Ofsted’s expectations on safer recruitment; and all staff appointed to deliver a course which explicitly recruits under-18s (including all Saturday Art School tutors and all evening, Saturday and summer school tutors). For undergraduate degrees and postgraduate degrees, it is usual that those who have completed a Level 3 qualification are 18 or over. There may be a small number who are younger than this, and Course Leaders are notified of any students who are under 18 at the start of the course. They ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place and conduct any necessary risk assessments.

Under child protection legislation, we have an obligation to report to the Police any instance where an under-18 attends the University with an unexplained injury or with obvious signs of harm. We shall report all such cases to the relevant authorities.

We acknowledge that such injuries may be the result of entirely unexceptional activity (such as playing a sport, or simply a domestic accident), but the University recognises that it has a duty to report all such incidents. It is for the Police to determine the level of investigation which is then required.

Explore more

Two university buildings, one with a metal mesh exterior, the other with yellow cladding. There is a path, some trees and some benches in between them.


Overview of our legal policies

A group of three people sat on steps looking at a laptop and talking, the person in the middle is looking at a mobile phone

Freedom of information

Our plans, strategies, rules, regulations and policies are all available for download in the Freedom of Information section