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Legal and Governance


In this section you'll be able to find all our legal information, like our charitable status and downloads like our Gender Pay Gap report and Trade Union facility time.

The University is an exempt charity for the purposes of the Charities Act 2011. It is subject to charity law but is not regulated by, nor required to register with, the Charity Commission. The Office for Students is designated as the ‘Principal Regulator’ for the institutions it funds and has a general duty to promote compliance with charity law.

The powers of the University, as defined in sub-section 124(1) of the Education Act 1988, are

  1. to provide higher education;
  2. to provide further education;
  3. to carry out research and to publish the results of the research or any other material arising out of or connected with it in such manner as the corporation shall see fit

These powers constitute the objects of the University. The charitable purpose of the University, as defined in the Charities Act 2011, is the advancement of education for the public benefit. The Trustees of the University are members of the Arts University Bournemouth Board of Governors.

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Outside view of stairs through a big glass window. Clouds are reflected off the window


We have a legal duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare of students, including those who are young and vulnerable at AUB

A group of three people sat on steps looking at a laptop and talking, the person in the middle is looking at a mobile phone

Freedom of information

Our plans, strategies, rules, regulations and policies are all available for download in the Freedom of Information section