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Digital sculpture of a dinosaur

Digital Sculpting using ZBrush – an Introduction

  • Ages: 18+
  • Term: Autumn
  • Length: 10 weeks


ZBrush is the go-to industry-standard software for digital painting and sculpting. It gives artists the freedom to create truly innovative and unique models from digital clay.

To book your place today, simply click the 'Book Now' button to be taken to AUB's secure online store, where you can complete your booking. You can also sign up to our newsletter for short course updates. 

What you need to know

A student stands painting two cherries in a sketch book.

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Information about resourcing specialist materials/consumables that you may need to bring these with you

A flower and a pair of sunglasses rest on a pair of boxes. A stiletto heel shoe and a handbag are sitting in front of another box. The other stiletto heel shoe is on top of one of the boxes.

Short Courses FAQs – Evening and Weekend and Saturday Art School

If you have any questions about our Evening and Saturday Short Courses, you may find the answers in here.

A person leans in and looks closely at a big display board with assorted pieces of graphic design work.

Short Courses booking T&Cs

Please read our Terms and Conditions carefully before booking onto our Evening and Weekend courses.

About this course

This introductory course will introduce you to the fundamentals of the ZBrush software and allow you to create a finished sculpt of a multi-part organic creature with hard surface, painted and textured elements. By the end of the course, you'll have gained insight and practical skills in the basic use of ZBrush to create a simple creature using the major elements and features of the software.

Text reads: join our creative community

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Beyond the course

This could just be the start of your creative journey! After this course, you could further your digital sculpting skills with another short course or look to the future and explore our creative qualifications that can prepare you to further your current career, enable you to retrain to an alternative career path or prepare you for future creative arts studies. 

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More information about evening and weekend courses


Why choose AUB for your short course?

We're a first-choice provider of art and design short courses for anyone wishing to engage in art and design subjects in their spare time.

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Reasons to study a short course

There are plenty of reasons to consider studying a creative short course. Perhaps you want to retrain, learn new skills, or just have fun...

A close up of a layered fabric

How to book

Looking to book onto one of our Evening and Saturday courses? You’ll find everything you need to book your place here.

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