We’re delighted for you to join us at AUB – we can’t wait to see what you’ll create.
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Textiles Design Welcome Guide
We're delighted that you've chosen to join our creative community at Arts University Bournemouth. We can't wait to see what you'll create.
This welcome pack is designed to give you an idea of what to expect during the first weeks of your course. Please take the time to read it carefully and take particular note of the pre-course preparation. We hope that you'll enjoy a happy and productive time with us, and we look forward to meeting you in October.
Congratulations on gaining your place on the BA (Hons) Textiles Design course at Arts University Bournemouth – we are excited for you to join us!
This course endeavours to provide you with the necessary tools to enter the creative textiles industry. Your experience will combine workshops, studio design and the skills required for your potential employment. Your three years will be hard work, yet very rewarding! The course will reflect the challenges that textile designers and makers meet and so will require the commitment and rigour that the industry demands.
Please take some time to look at our graduate's work on the AUB Online Summer Show and our Digital Catalogue.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
– Anne-Marie Howat, Course Leader
If you're joining AUB in your first year, in preparation for the start of your course we would like you to make 5 x A2 drawings that celebrate your environment.
Be inspired by all the nooks and crannies of the world around you: natural or man-made, urban, rural or coastal landscapes, architecture and flora. Gather all sorts of ephemera to help and inspire you.
The drawings can be illustrative, or a series of impressions, shapes and colours, or you can build them up with collage using various layers of materials, textures and rubbings. Think colour, pattern and drawn shapes.
These drawings will help you to introduce yourself to your fellow students at the beginning of term and could be the start of your first project. The project is intended as a way of helping you to get to know each other, so you're encouraged to bring your work and your creativity as part of a relaxed and fun ‘getting to know you’ afternoon when you arrive!
Bring the drawings with you during the Welcome Week. Your new tutor will let you know on the first day
Have a look through some of the work our current students are producing to get an idea of the type of work you may be making on our course.
On your first day, bring along:
During Welcome Week, you'll be introduced to the course handbook and units, and timetable and information, helping you to acclimatise to the course and AUB, and your venture into the field of creative Textiles. It will also be great to get to know you and for you to get to know each other.
This course uses both Apple and Windows computers.
You're encouraged to bring your own laptop and mobile device to support online learning, collaboration and communication while at university.
Every second year, we endeavour to arrange a suitable and affordable Textiles Design study trip. This coming year or next, we wish to look at a trip to Paris for the Textiles/Fashion trade show Premier Vision, or to another European city, e.g. Florence, to soak up the historical influences on the textiles and fashion industry, – The Gucci Museum, Pitti Palace Costume Museum, etc.
You'll need some funds to attend this potential field trip in February 2024/25. So, in order to join us, we thought a heads-up on saving money would be helpful. We're looking to make arrangements for the trip in the autumn term, depending upon who's interested at that point.
The trip would be for approximately five days and would hopefully fall around the £600/£650 mark. We'd be looking for a deposit in the first six weeks, and final payment by the end of term if it runs this year.
This isn't mandatory but has always served as an exciting experience for those wishing to go. Alternative suggestions will be made for visits locally for those not wishing to be involved.