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Film-style photo of a person hiking in the outdoors with a yellow backpack, surrounded by stickers.

Louise Andrews – How to secure work placements while studying at AUB


  • Student Story
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  • Graphic Design


“Since starting at AUB, I’ve had the opportunity to intern at two design agencies in Bournemouth and Poole… it was a true immersion into the fast-paced agency world.”

Creativity has always been my 'thing' – I was never one for maths or science in school, always gravitating towards art and graphics whenever they were available. When it came time to apply for university at 18, I initially applied for International Relations, but decided to take a few years out of education to reflect on what I enjoyed. The COVID-19 lockdown also forced me to reflect on whether what I was planning on doing was going to make me happy and fulfilled years down the line). In 2021, I decided to apply for BA (Hons) Graphic Design at AUB.

My creative style and process have evolved significantly since starting my degree; I used to believe that my visual style would remain fairly similar forever, but as I’ve delved deeper into the history and landscape of graphic design, it’s clear that change is inevitable in a field that’s always shifting. One of the things I love the most about my course is the freedom that is afforded to you – there’s a strong emphasis on independent practice, which is where my creativity tends to flow the best; I never wanted the degree I chose to feel like I was back at school.

Since starting at AUB, I’ve had the opportunity to intern at two design agencies in Bournemouth and Poole – Eleven Miles and WeAre778. My internship at Eleven Miles – an advertising, branding, and digital agency – took place during the summer between my second and third year. It was a true immersion into the fast-paced agency world, where I worked on live briefs and brand identity projects alongside a welcoming team (and some very cute dogs). I’ve always thrived in busy, dynamic environments, so being surrounded by the design team at Eleven Miles was an incredible experience. In second year on the BA (Hons) Graphic Design course, Alice, Mark and Marten run an amazing networking event, allowing students to pitch themselves and their work to industry members, which was how I met the lovely people from Eleven Miles.

My experience at WeAre778 – a brand, digital and print agency – started at the end of first year. Most students look for internships in second and third year, but I had the time and the motivation in first year, so I emailed some local agencies, made a nuisance of myself, and secured a spot at 778. What was originally intended as a one-week work experience internship has turned into over a year with 778, during which I have learned so much about the creative industry. Don’t get me wrong, university is very worthwhile; however, there is so much left to learn outside of lectures and workshops. 778 has shown me how design works on an everyday level: how to work with clients, how to present work and, crucially, InDesign shortcuts!

Outside university and internships, I still love designing and being creative – I’ve never understood those who say ‘don’t mix work with play’. I love doing self-initiated briefs for Instagram (or just for myself) – anything I want to make but can’t find an actual project for it, I fake it ‘til I make it. Over the summer, I wanted to practise and refine my brand identity process, so I designed a few different (non-existent!) visual identities to keep my hand in until my course restarted.

As for my future plans, I’ve always envisioned a path that allows me to use design as a force for good. Whether that means working with a charity or humanitarian organisation or partnering with brands committed to making a positive difference, I want my work to have a meaningful impact (bonus points, of course, if they include some top-tier font choices).

Something to think about

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