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Headshot of BA (Hons) Graphic Design alumna F Griffiths, Head of Digital at EPM Agency, Poole.

From Graphic Design student to Head of Digital: Francesca Griffiths’ journey to EPM


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Graduated: 2006

Courses: National Diploma in Graphic Design, BA (Hons) Graphic Design

When Francesca Griffiths began studying Graphic Design at AUB, she was learning industry-standard print techniques that were dominant at the time – web-based and digital design was still in the early stages.

“Over the five years I was there, across the two courses, I think we did two weeks of web, and I didn’t get on with it so well. Branding and things like that I was really passionate about, but web I just didn’t get”.

It was only once Francesca found a Graphic Design role in the industry that she saw the digital wave and decided to ride with it, from print graphic designer to a screen-based designer, immersing herself in interface, user experience through UX/UI and research. Francesca recognises herself now as a natural leader, being the current Head of Digital at EPM in Poole, and it was through adapting and diversifying her skills that she’s been able to achieve her career goals.

“The foundation they give you at AUB always empowered you to know the basics so well, and then you just apply those theories across. So, where I am now, going from a junior designer through all those years is really a big achievement for me.

“I also had a fantastic range of experience in terms of working at various design agencies in Bournemouth. I freelanced at various agencies as well, because I took a bit of time out to do some freelance. I worked at Liverpool Victoria for five years as Digital Lead there. I’ve worked at start-ups. And now I’m here, back in agency.”

Francesca maintains that her experience at AUB proved to be an advantage, especially when exploring different areas in the industry, being flexible to work independently or part of a team and attention to detail.

“Whenever I used to go for interviews and show my portfolio, so many people would say, ‘We can see you’re from AUB, just because of the care and the attention that you’ve put into your work and how you present it to us.’

“While I don’t design day-to-day anymore, or even open up Adobe Creative Suite, I still have lots of things that I feed back to my junior design team, and a lot of them still stem from what we learnt at AUB. Especially the attention to detail – that was key and something that was drummed into us and it still comes through now.”

Francesca’s current role as the Head of Digital at EPM, an immersive and innovative Poole-based design agency, is all about overseeing their three key areas – live, content and digital. What sets EPM apart is their unique way of fusing physical and digital interaction together.

“With live, we have our brand experiences and exhibitions – that’s where we go out, all over the world literally, and build these exhibition stands. it’s not just a case of ‘walk around, have a look,’ it’s actually getting involved and interacting with virtual reality experiences, mixed-reality experiences, interactive games.

“A website is only as good as the content on it, and that’s something that we really drive. We create some fantastic 3D models, interactive models, 360˚ view models that you can spin around, interact with, zoom in, zoom out; all kinds of reality, so you can pop them up in a room.

“Then you have the digital side of things, so mobile apps. We build various web platforms; we do all sorts, from brochure-esque sites to e-commerce to member booking sites, and then you’ve got the digital marketing side of things, where we look at social media marketing and SEO analytics as well. So we do really offer a lot of services, and they are all in-house. With this agency, we’re 105 here, so it’s very busy.”

Despite her successes, Francesca maintains how important it is to still stay in touch with AUB, especially with such a creative community of aspiring designers and a continued high success rate.

For the last three years, she’s run industry briefs for the BA (Hons) Visual Communication course, where students are given briefs similar to what EPM receives from clients involving themed websites and app design, or more recently, exhibitions, events and business. Some students even go on to use these in their own careers down the line.

“It works both ways – I get a lot from going in, it’s great to see how everything’s going and to be able to be on campus again, but it’s also great to share any knowledge and wisdom to anyone who’s in my shoes from all those years ago. One student came in as an intern [to EPM], and he’s got a full-time role. We actually met him on one of the workshops as well, so that’s how that relationship blossomed.

“I think it’s those sorts of life skills that need to be taught as well, so it’d be good to have that as part of a course. I didn’t get that coaching back then. It’s like, how do you want to be a designer? Do you want to be freelance or employed or have your own business?”

Francesca’s parting advice to current students is being adaptable in the graphic design industry and to take risks.

“Be dynamic. Don’t pigeonhole yourself. Take up opportunities and push yourself out of your comfort zone, and absorb as much as you can, learn as much as you can of different skill sets. That now has put me in a really strong position, because yes, I am fundamentally a UX/UI designer, but because of all that other understanding, it can put me in the space of being Head of Digital. Without that, I couldn’t be where I am now.”

For more about EPM Agency, visit their website.

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