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Exterior of the North Building on AUB Campus, with the words "Arts University Bournemouth" going vertically down a purple background on one side. A couple of trees line either side of the pavement in the foreground.

AUB celebrates First in People & Planet University League


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Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) has achieved its highest-ever ranking in the People & Planet University League, achieving a First for the first time.

The 2024/25 People & Planet University League ranks 149 UK universities against several criteria linked to climate and social justice. Placing 20th, AUB gained an impressive 30 places on last year's ranking.

Assessed across 14 categories including sustainable food, carbon management, waste reduction and environmental policy, AUB’s overall score of 65% included achieving a joint-first in the UK for the carbon reduction category, an unbeatable score of 100% in Environmental Auditing and Management Systems, and 88% in the Carbon Management category.

James Jackson, AUB's Environment and Sustainability Manager, comments, “Up against much larger institutions, this is a fantastic achievement for the University, and when the results are filtered by size – universities with 5,000 students or less – AUB comes in as the highest ranking in the UK.”

This is the latest in a flurry of recent sustainability successes for AUB, including making the finals in two categories in the 2024 Green Gown Awards.

“We’re delighted to obtain a first in the People & Planet University League," comments Dr Jon Renyard, University Secretary and Chair of the Environment Committee. "It’s a huge achievement for us and proves that sustainability can be fostered at small and specialist institutions.”

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