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A person walks past a series of colourful paintings displayed on a gallery wall.

Fine Art Welcome Guide

Preparing for your course

We're delighted that you've chosen to join our creative community at Arts University Bournemouth. We can't wait to see what you'll create.

Welcome to BA (Hons) Fine Art

This welcome pack is designed to give you an idea of what to expect during the first few weeks of your course. Please take the time to read it carefully.

A message from your Course Leader

Welcome to BA (Hons) Fine Art. You'll soon be joining an exciting degree course with an excellent reputation for student achievement and presenting your artwork professionally. When you arrive, there will be several essentials which have to be covered during the first week, such as enrolment and various introductions. But we intend to make that first week an interesting and enjoyable introduction to the course and Arts University Bournemouth.

During Welcome Week, the staff team will show you around the campus and introduce you to the course. Some members of staff will also speak about their art practice.

We hope you have a very enjoyable summer. Please try to visit contemporary art exhibitions and any other places of interest, make notes, and reflect upon significant things you've seen and done, and, of course, keep your hand in with your art practice. Keep enjoying your hobbies, as these can often become your interests and source of inspiration for your art practice.

– Richard Waring, Course Leader

Current student work

Have a look through some of the work our current students are producing to get an idea of the type of work you may be making on our course.

Before you join us

It's important for you to understand your work within the context of contemporary fine art. Spend some time using the internet to browse through this current big exhibition; there'll be lots of information about the artists included:

  • Venice Biennale 2024

From this research, choose two artists from this exhibition, one you like and one you don’t and break this down into judgement values – why some things engage you, why some things don't. This is the basis for analysis. Collect digital images of the works and you'll be told when to bring these to your first seminar (after induction week). Find out as much information on these artists and artworks as you can as this will be useful for your seminar discussions.

Please read pages 8-16 and more if you can of: An, K. and Cerasi, J. (2020) Who’s Afraid of Contemporary Art: An A-Z Guide to the Art World. London: Thames and Hudson.

The book is a good introduction to the context of Fine Art. It's available to buy for around £10, cheaper on eBay, or you can borrow it from the library when you arrive.

Make a note of any questions you have and anything you agree/disagree with for discussion when we start.

The Library at AUB is extremely well-resourced and includes all key texts that you'll need. Reading lists will be supplied in your course handbook and at the start of each unit on the course. The AUB Library has a dedicated fine art librarian, Andy Calvert, who can help you find specific things.

Here's some further reading/viewing that will give you a good background to the course:

  • Chapter 13 ‘What is Contemporary Art?’ in Terry Smith (2012) What is Contemporary Art. Univ. of Chicago Press.
  • Please have a look at Grayson Perry’s book Playing to the Gallery (2014). Choose some of the book that seems interesting and note down any questions that you think it raises.

We'll use these as the basis for some introductory discussions.

Over the summer, please try to read:

  • A-N
  • Frieze
  • Modern Painters
  • Art Monthly
  • Art Forum
  • Turps Banana (one painting magazine and one sculpture)

  • Tate Shots – short videos on Turner Prize nominees (Search on YouTube)
  • Bishop, C. (2005). ‘But is it Installation Art?’ – TATE,
  • – general info on resources and life as an artist
  • – an artist-run magazine
  • SIDEWAYS – Exploring ideas that shape our lives:

What to bring on your first day

On your first day, bring along:

  • A notebook and something to write with
  • Your ID and documents for face-to-face registration (see the "Next Steps" tab for more details)
  • Your Temporary ID card from your Welcome notebook inside cover if you have one

Students are asked to provide the following items for use on the course:

  • Memory stick for backing up your computer work (but you'll get your own cloud storage).
  • Materials appropriate to your individual practice, such as brushes, palettes, palette knives, pots, containers etc.
  • A selection tools for your personal use and interests – we supply power tools.
  • A4 plastic file for research, photographic and other hard copy material.
  • Notebooks and sketchbooks.
  • Camera/video camera are handy if you have one (you can also loan these from AUB).

You're advised to build up a personal collection of materials and equipment.

The fee that you pay the Arts University Bournemouth provides the necessary equipment and training for you to complete your course.

You may also choose to buy some items of personal equipment such as a laptop, but this is not required as laptop computers are available in the library for short term loan.

All materials are provided for skill workshops you undertake as part of the curriculum. The course subsidises the cost of some core materials, for example canvas, plaster, silicone, jesmonite, alginate, gesso paint, linseed oil, latex, Fabriano paper, analogue camera film, so these are much less than normal cost price. Wood is also provided by the course for painting stretchers and for sculpture armatures.

It is not possible to be accurate about further material costs for your individual art practice as this depends on your type of art practice and your careful choices about how you transform materials to generate meaning. You will be encouraged to work sustainably and to re-use materials where possible, but you should still expect to make some financial investment. Most first and second year students will be likely to spend between £200 to 500 per year on materials, although many will spend much less.

Some courses offer educational visits, which may be within the UK or abroad. These are not compulsory, and you will not be disadvantaged if you do not take part, there are means tested support monies for help towards visits. The cost will depend on the location of the visit; for example, every two years the BA (Hons) Fine Art students have the option to go to the Venice Biennale as a group, the course gets group booking discounts and this costs around £540, with an extra £70 spending money required for food.

Digital capabilities

This course uses Apple computers.

You're encouraged to bring their own laptop and mobile device to AUB to support online learning, collaboration and communication whilst at university.

Course trip

Venice Biennale Fine Art Residential Study Visit 2024

Dates: Sunday 3 – Thursday 7 November 2024

There will be a residential study visit to the Venice Biennale, which is considered the most important exhibition of contemporary art on the planet.

The trip includes buses, flights, hotel (B&B), entrance to the Biennale, and a vaporetto pass. Information can be found in attached PDF.

  • Please note that this is a trip for current all years of BA (Hons) Fine Art students only.
  • There are limited number of places available – secure a place with a deposit.
  • Please note that payments are non-refundable, so you should check you can go before making a payment.

If you have any questions, email Colin Perry

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We’re delighted for you to join us at AUB – we can’t wait to see what you’ll create.

Two university buildings with square shaped trees in front of them.

Next Steps

Find out the useful dates and contact before you start here

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