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Rosie Studdert

Rosie Studdert

Rosie Studdert
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BA (Hons) Illustration

Rosie Studdert

In this project, I looked into the Whale Dolphin Conservation; how whales and dolphins cope in captivity and how cruel the conditions are. I wanted to create awareness for them. I looked into the Blackfish documentary, which gave me insight to how these places really work and how small and lonely the tanks are. 

I created two adoption packs, one for adults and one for juniors. Both packs include an adoption certificate, an information booklet and socks. For the adult pack, there is a bookmark, postcard and a tote bag, while the junior pack has stickers and a plush toy. 

This project was really interesting and I learnt so many new facts and started to understand more of how it all happens and the real details. It made my original views stronger.

Plans after degree

I plan to experiment and discover illustrative jobs near me in London. I also want to travel.