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Karolina Bawol

Karolina Bawol

Karolina Bawol
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BA (Hons) Fine Art

Karolina Bawol

Karolina Bawol’s work centres on creating emotionally and psychologically charged interior spaces. She focuses on generating strong moods and atmospheres that captivate viewers, encouraging them to make personal connections with what they see. By taking everyday objects and guiding the narrative towards specific emotions, she ensures her intended feelings are explored by the viewers. Karolina employs a variety of mediums, including acrylic and oil paint, watercolours and printing techniques. Pushing the boundaries of each and often combining mediums.

The artworks Silence, Limbo, and Exit each depict moody, dark interior spaces that evoke a sense of the 'in-between.' Rendered in deep shades of green and cloaked in night-time shadows, they create an unsettling atmosphere that draws the viewer into the environment. These paintings delve into themes of the uncanny and evoke personal memories, acting as windows into these rooms along a disorienting path through the house. One feels lost in these liminal spaces, uncertain of what might be lurking in the darkness.

Plans after degree

Karolina is excited to start her Art and Design PGCE at University of the West of England. She plans to teach art in secondary schools in Bristol, while still working on and developing her practice.