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Isabel Rentoul

Isabel Rentoul

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Isabel Rentoul
MRes Arts

Isabel Rentoul

Despite the wealth of literature on how depictions of different groups in fictional TV series, including queer individuals, can reflect or challenge stereotypes and societal beliefs, there remains very little discussion on depictions of asexual and aromantic individuals in particular. 

Discussion of these depictions has been limited to brief mentions in writings about asexuality and aromanticism more generally and has also tended to focus on asexuality, with very little written about depictions of aromanticism. Therefore, this thesis will pose the following question: How do societal attitudes impact depictions of asexuality and aromanticism in TV? 

It is important to address this subject, not only because of the lack of literature surrounding asexual and aromantic experiences, but also because it may provide a new lens through which to analyse how media depicts gender and sexuality. 

Issues facing the asexual and aromantic communities inherently overlap greatly with other social and cultural issues, such as consent, hypersexualisation, desexualisation, etc. As such, understanding attitudes to these identities may lead to a more complete understanding of these broader issues and may help us to expand our awareness of issues related to gender and sexuality.

Plans after degree

Working in education