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Ela Kenchington

Ela Kenchington

Ela Kenchington
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BA (Hons) Fine Art

Ela Kenchington

I promise we've grown up

I promise we’ve grown up is the recreation and resurrection of my childhood memories. The bike, made from found items and a denim jacket (featuring our club name, Curly Girl Kitten Club), is representative of my time in Scotland as a child and young adult. I spent most summers away from home in Scotland, building memories and inventions with my immediate family, including my Aunt Bear. The amalgamation of memories that is I promise we’ve grown up represents a chapter in my life that shaped me into who I am. By reconstructing this tandem bike that we made when I was younger, completely from memory, it feels as if I have come full circle with my art practice, encompassing then and now into physical form.

Plans after degree

I am still undecided on whether I want to continue in the arts or try something new! I plan to transfer my skills learned from the Fine Art course into set design and prop-making within TV and film. There are whispers in the Scottish winds that an opportunity working on the set of Outlander could arise.