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Annabelle Keyes

Annabelle Keyes

Annabelle Keyes
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BA (Hons) Fine Art

Annabelle Keyes

Sacrality Index: Hengistbury Head

Sacrality Index: Hengistbury Head is an interdisciplinary, site-responsive installation, which presents an amalgamation of information from various fieldwork visits and pilgrimages, while simultaneously envisioning the merging of boundaries between romance and research. Through these mergings, I am inviting a meditation on the religious impulse and where our capacity for belief may reside in an increasingly technological and scientific world. 

These ruminations emerge from interrogating understandings of knowledge and land in academia, and which colonial foundations might underpin standardised forms of enquiry. Exploring a blend of both devotional and academic processes, I have created an index, or shrine, to the sacred encounters during my time learning this historically and ecologically rich land local to Dorset, Hengistbury Head.

Plans after degree

I will pursue a career within curation or research while continuing my artistic practice.