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Amalee Marsh

Amalee Marsh

Amalee Marsh
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BA (Hons) Fine Art

Amalee Marsh

Privacy In Plain Sight and Comfort and Chaos

Privacy In Plain Sight and Comfort and Chaos offer intimate glimpses into personal spaces through the depiction of everyday, private, and taboo objects. Privacy In Plain Sight features a cluttered chest of drawers covered with clothes, dirty dishes, polaroids, underwear, alcohol bottles and intimate items like sex toys. Comfort and Chaos depicts a spilled bag revealing personal items such as a driving licence, make-up, and sanitary products, suggesting accidental exposure and vulnerability.

Both pieces, created with oil paints on plywood, achieve a lifelike quality through layering and lighting. The addition of polaroid photos, attached with sticky tack, adds texture and connects the two pieces. Their disorderly arrangement and realistic style emphasise the relatable, lived-in nature of the scenes, inviting viewers to explore themes of privacy and intimacy.

These works challenge the boundaries between private and public by openly displaying personal items, encouraging conversations about sex, vulnerability, and the messiness of everyday life. They highlight how private moments are universally shared and shouldn’t be sources of shame. By juxtaposing the intimate with the public, the paintings invite us to embrace our vulnerabilities and find comfort in the everyday chaos.

Plans after degree

I plan to continue my art practice within an art collective and studio space in my hometown, Andover, and hoping to start commissions for paintings, portraiture and still life.