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Morwenna Lawson – "MA Creative Writing could be the best thing I've ever done for my career..."

Photos by NUX Photography


My work slowed a little just as my son left for university. With more space in the diary, I made the choice to hop back on the learning carousel and enrolled on the MA Creative Writing (Online) course at AUB.

I'd been a writer all my life, working as a magazine journalist and editor, blogger and content writer. But I harboured a strong desire to get creative, and for a few years I had been writing short stories and entering competitions.

As soon as the course kicked off, I realised I wasn't going to be spending all of my time writing. The first unit takes students through a wealth of knowledge on research methods. There's another unit that puts ethics under the lens, and students also learn about hosting workshops, about writing for stage and screen, and publishing work. If you come to the course armed with a keyboard, words in your head, and nothing else, you might need a re-think.

There is a wealth of reading in the course content – mostly pleasurable, some of it academic, but all essential. A crucial tip from a friend was to make a space for the reading and do it no matter what, otherwise it wouldn't happen. She was right. Another tip – my own, this time – is to take part in online discussions. This is an online course, and you will only get out of it what you put in. Reading – and commenting on – other people's work is key to understanding more about your own. Plus, you'll get lots of brilliant feedback in return.

You'll have online access to the AUB Library service, and I've often asked for help. AUB has a great tech team too, so you're never stranded with a problem. Just ask, and someone will help.

As I go through the course, I find I'm delighted and challenged in equal measure. Some units seem impossibly hard; others flash by in a froth of wonderful learning, and I only wish they were longer. Everything, without exception, is worthwhile, all the tuition is of such a high standard, and the course content so well put together. Learning how to do an academic presentation (in the middle of a busy week during which all sorts of other things are going on) seems fiendish at the time, but the results are that we become more and more accomplished in those skills. Everything is worth it in the end; every unit is value packed. I'm currently rediscovering how much I love poetry, having quite forgotten about that genre. I don't think I'd have tried writing poems any time soon had it not been for this course, yet here I am writing sonnets and list poems, and imagining readings.

I think (no, I hope) this could be the best thing I've ever done for my career. I am constantly thinking of what comes after, with no real idea yet but plenty of food for thought. I'm going back over all the short stories I've written and rewriting them. Everything is getting a total overhaul, in a good way. It is exhausting, challenging, exciting and precious. My family are all probably slightly over hearing me rave about it, but they're also thrilled to see how happy I am. Let's hope the enthusiasm keeps going into the big ever after…