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A Day in the Life of an Account and Studio Manager


  • Alumni


She now works as account and studio manager at Salad Creative: an award-winning brand digital agency based in Poole.


I am not a morning person and I've never been! I reluctantly turn off my alarm and pull myself not the shower. By the time I’m finished and feeling more alive, my boyfriend has normally made me a cup of tea and left it by the bed. I’m a very lucky girl!


The Salad office is down on Poole Quay, so once I’ve parked up I have a nice walk along the sea edge and check out the boats that have moored up. Sometimes in the winter it can feel like you’re in the middle of a hurricane and I often arrive at the office looking like I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. This is a popular look in the Salad office.

I kick off the working day with a sweep of my emails. Sometimes we might make a quick update to a website or sign off an item that needs to be printed, so it’s always good to keep an eye out.


At the beginning of every week, we have a work meeting where the whole studio come together to catch up on the latest developments. That includes news from any pitches, project wins, feedback from clients and new people who may be joining the team. Once our lovely MD Bella has shared the latest news, it’s my turn to run through the work schedule. It lives on a mammoth post-it wall containing every job for every client. It’s a super useful visual tracker and a great excuse to use lots of coloured post-its!


Around the middle of the morning, someone in the team will make the sacrifice for the greater good and make a tea round. Then it’s back to the work!


Food by name, food by nature – at Salad we have an official lunch club. Everyone contributes for groceries and we take turns to make lunch with the team.


If I’m part of a team working on a large project, we try our best to dedicate a few solid hours together to keep making progress. At the moment, I’m in the planning phase for a complex website design and build for an innovative tech client.


Before the end of the day, I like to check in with the design and development team to make sure everything’s running smoothly and no one has any issues. Sometimes there might be questions about the brief, content required from the client or an emergency job that’s been given priority status.

I’m fortunate to live close enough to the office that I can run home. It’s a 5K which is the perfect distance for me to have a time to think.


I whip something up for dinner and eat it with my boyfriend as we catch up on the day’s antics. Then we’ll curl up on the sofa (with more tea) and either watch re-runs of Friends, a movie or some kind of BBC drama.


I try to get to bed by 11pm, otherwise it’s game over and I’m no use to anyone the next day.

Read more about BA (Hons) Visual Communications

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