Students' Union
Our Students’ Union exists to make sure that all students have the best possible experience whilst studying at AUB
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Search results for “Prospectus” | 83 results found
Our Students’ Union exists to make sure that all students have the best possible experience whilst studying at AUB
Study Acting at Arts University Bournemouth. Find out about the course, fees, how to apply, and open days.
This course explores the whole production process, and techniques from traditional 2D drawn animation to stop-motion
Study Architecture at Arts University Bournemouth. Find out about the course, fees, how to apply, and open days
Master the skills you need to become a professional maker, tailor and costume supervisor for the film, theatre and events industries
AUB Human connects artists and creative practitioners who share a desire to bring about positive change for global good
Study Fashion Communication at Arts University Bournemouth. Find out about the course, fees, how to apply, and open days
Study Film Production at Arts University Bournemouth. Find out about the course, fees, how to apply, and open days
Discover how to create whole new worlds on this exciting course – design costumes and sets for plays, films and events.
Study Interior Architecture and Design at Arts University Bournemouth. Find out about the course, fees, how to apply, and open days