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Living in the community

We're here to help you get settled quickly in the accommodation that's right for you.

Living in the community

Bournemouth is a welcoming place and we want you to enjoy life here, but it should never be at the expense of other residents. Please be considerate towards people living near the campus or where you live; we recommend that you take the time to introduce yourself to your neighbours when you move in as this can help integration into the local community.

Working with the local community

We work closely with the local police and environmental health services to support students in the local community.

If you need advice or guidance about issues in your community, whether this is to do with noise, litter or neighbours please pop into Student Services and have a chat with an Adviser. We can offer guidance on tenancy agreements and help connect you to specialist advice and support services as needed.

The Universities Police Team are always available to offer advice on burglary prevention and promote personal safety. You can find them at regular pop up events across campus and their office is located at Talbot House on BU Campus.

More information

We know that the current pandemic has changed the way in which we are living and interacting with others. Please be assured that AUB COVID-19 measures are in place and we are working with local agencies and organisations to protect all of our community.

To keep up to date with the latest news and developments and to ensure that you are fully aware of all measures to help you and also of your civic responsibilities please click here.

Noise and anti-social behaviour

It's a commonly-held belief that you can make as much noise as you like until 11pm. However, the Council can take action at any time, day or night. A noise disturbance that affects anyone in their own home at any time is unacceptable, and the Council will take action.

Noisy parties or anti-social behaviour could lead to noise abatement orders, heavy fines and disciplinary action. If a notice is served due to a noise nuisance and subsequently breached, the Council can seize all noise-making equipment, including laptops and iPods, and prosecute individuals with an unlimited fine.

Helpful tips:

  • If you’re having a party, let the neighbours know. Agree to a mutually acceptable time for it to end and stick to it.
  • Keep the noise levels low when you arrive home after a night out – don’t slam taxi doors or stand outside talking.
  • If you’re in a large group of students walking to or from campus, it can be overwhelming for other pedestrians, especially older people or those with young children, so give them plenty of room.
  • Never advertise your party on Facebook – it could quickly get out of control and you will be held responsible for the noise and damage caused.

Waste and Recycling

In Bournemouth, there are weekly collections with waste and recycling collected on alternate weeks. It is important that you find out the days for waste and recycling collection for your road, as you have a legal obligation to manage your bins correctly. All bins should be left for collection within one metre of the property's edge, must not be put out before 18.00 the day before and must be removed from the footpath before 20.00 on collection day.

Waste that won’t fit into the bins must be disposed of properly and not left outside the property. This may mean taking it to the local tip, which is at Millhams, BH11 9LQ. A utility bill proving your Bournemouth address must be presented to gain access.

The following items can be placed in recycling:

  • Paper
  • Cans, tins and aerosols (but not butane or propane aerosols)
  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Cardboard
  • Plastic bottles and food containers
  • Food and drink cartons
  • Foil and foil trays

Further information regarding waste and recycling can be found on BCP Council website.


We strongly recommend that you do not bring your own car with you to university. However, if you do, please ensure that you park your car considerately. Don’t park on dropped kerbs or to obstruct any part of the pavement, and be mindful of parking restrictions as these can differ between roads and areas.

Further information regarding parking restrictions in Bournemouth can be found on the BCP Council website.

Explore our accommodation


We know our students like different styles of places to live – we have a great range of halls of residence for first-years to choose from

Large university building with people walking up steps towards it.

Halls of Residence

Our halls are located on campus or in the Lansdowne area of Bournemouth and have excellent bus and public transport links

Groups of students mingling outside two university buildings. A speech bubble with the text 'Community' appears in the centre.

AUB ResLife

Welcome to AUB Community, AUB’s residential life programme for students living in AUB Halls of Residence.

A white house with a black roof seen through a bush of yellow flowers

Private Rented Accommodation

We want all students to live life to the full, on and off campus, to engage with the local community and have a rewarding time at AUB