The residency, based in Hertfordshire, UK, ran from November 2018 to February this year and is organised by Sarah Mayson who also manages the Hertford Arts Hub Gallery which opened in 2016.
With the residency programme being a new addition in the last year, it is a new opportunity that showcases the visual arts from the local community.
Fay explained: “It was a pleasure to be one of the first artists to work at Hertford Arts Hub. The residency felt right for me as the organisers just wanted the artist to be inspired by the work of Alan Davie, an artist they have been displaying since opening the space. This open brief was wonderful for a young artist like me, still experimenting and figuring out their practice.”
‘My practice revolves around moving image, experimenting with animation to video installations, creating films to entice and confuse my audience. I am captivated by the latest in digital technologies and my work often utilises computer-generated effects. I use a green screen to put myself into worlds I’ve created and made. Through my artwork, I attempt to navigate complex digital issues and questions our place in our current digital landscape and its possible future’
Fay goes on to point out that she feels that the residency has helped her to realise how she sees her work “my work has grown in its performative aspects. I’d like to lose more of my inhibitions and be less methodical in the way I work. I think the more I have fun in what I am creating the better it becomes.”
Overall, Fay describes how positive an experience the programme has been for both her and her practice as a young artist. “I have met some wonderful people during the residency, not only fellow artists working at the Hertford Arts Hub but also the people who keep the gallery running. I get a glimpse into how a place like that is funded and run, which I am eager to learn about”.
Click here to see Fay’s video interview about her experience of the project or visit her website.
In addition to the residency exhibition, Fay’s work will be displayed further as part of the Art Waves Festival at Bridlington Spa in Yorkshire and takes place from the 22-23 June 2019 10.30–16.30.
Find out more about BA (Hons) Fine Art.