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Lewis Smith

Lewis Smith

Lewis Smith
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BA (Hons) Architecture (Part 1 ARB/RIBA)

Lewis Smith

The Angel Arts Academy is a fine arts faculty building that teaches Renaissance period techniques to provide a strong foundation for students to then apply to their own area of study. Exhibitions and gallery rotations will be almost constant to provide a continuous cycle of both new and old content for both the student body and public to enjoy. The open plan design of the studios will focus on life and drawing and technical knowledge before moving on to master copies.

The ground floor mezzanine will be fully open to the public, allowing visitors to overlook studio sessions without interrupting classes. Reserving the first and second floors for students only will provide a space for learning that allows deep focus as well as openings to the south facades and Bournemouth coast. Retaining classical knowledge and techniques are the main aims of the program as otherwise these pieces of history will become diluted and lose what makes them special.