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A set of children's toys on display on shelves and in cases as part of an exhibition. A person is shown looking at them.

Banksy artwork features in AUB’s Crossing The Line street art exhibition


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Street artwork, including the work of international artist Banksy, will be on display at a new exhibition at Arts University Bournemouth this month.

Crossing The Line has been curated by AUB’s Foundation Course Leader Joshua Read and Vice Chancellor Professor Paul Gough, will feature artwork from the eponymous street artist Banksy, among others including Stic Orange and D*Face.

Professor Gough, a leading expert in the work of street artist Banksy formally opened the exhibition, which has been developed by Senior Gallery Officer Violet McClean and Gallery Technician William Hernandez-Abreu.

Violet said: “The last 18 months has understandably been challenging for us all, and has seen TheGallery turn our social media into our new gallery walls, moving operations, events and a number of exhibitions online in a matter of weeks.

“But the pandemic didn’t stop our work, and as a university and community we’ve become even stronger. As we’ve returned to physical events recently, our curators’ commitment and drive in bringing a show to our university’s walls once again has been inspiring and greatly respected and admired by us as gallery team.

She added: “Their knowledge, insight and passion for the subject has been infections and they have worked extremely hard to bring this amazing exhibition to us here at AUB.”

Co-curator Joshua Read, who currently leads AUB’s Foundation Diploma course in Art and Design, began his graffiti collection in the '90s, after taking on commissions for graffiti manga pieces and canvases while working at Cambridge-based music venue The Junction.

Crossing The Line Co-curator and AUB Vice Chancellor Professor Paul Gough, said: “Crossing The Line is an extraordinary collection of street art that has come from the walls and the alleys to AUB’s remarkable gallery, demonstrating the diversity of talent both in this country and overseas.

He added: “This energising and authentic gathering of artwork is truly a collector’s paradise; with rarely-seen works being pulled together in one place, under one roof, with a common theme.”

The exhibition also features the commissioned work of Bournemouth-based street artist Nerks. Nerks’ work has seen the graffiti artist travel across the world, from Italy to Lisbon and Bratislava to Mexico City, connecting with groups of all ages, cultures and backgrounds.

Early next year, the university’s TheGallery art space will feature its next exhibition, Body Beautiful: Diversity on the Catwalk, which will look at how fashion creatives are embracing inclusivity and body positivity by exploring size, gender, age, race and disability.

The exhibition will be open to the public from Tuesday to Thursday, 09.00 to 17.00pm until 23 December.

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